Financial Tips For 2018
If you are not paying yourself first, are you financially stable? Financial experts repeat themselves quite often on the first rule of personal finance. Pay yourself first. Depending on your budget you should be paying yourself 5-20% of your net income . What to do with all of that money? Anything you want. Most create an emergency fund , then vacation fund, investment fund, and finally a retirement fund. This may seem overwhelming, but it is quite simple after the first several months. Wealth is not acquired quickly, instead, it is done slowly, yet surely. These are just some of the laws of money. The article sourced was written by Tina Santiago-Rodriguez is included in this blog post for your convenience. Family and finance: Financial experts give their tips for the New Year Did you make any resolutions for this New Year? Or set any goals? It’s not too late to do so even if the first month of the year is about to end. This applies especially to your f...